ActivitiesАгенство регионального развития "Донбасс" Thu, 09 Apr 2015 20:23:05 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management uk-ua Activities Regional Development Agency "Donbass" has been responsible for a region of experience developing strategies and plans of local and regional development, creation of local communities, NGOs and public associations, which should work with local authorities to solve the problems residents of the territories and improve the quality of life.

The Agency develops and provides training and consulting activities, helping local companies, firms, businesses and others in finding business partners, investors and manufacturers of products and services through presentations, advertising and marketing research.

Training and consulting activities for entrepreneurs.

Cooperation with foreign agencies, regional development and other non-governmental organizations (Innovation Center, Bureau of technological development, etc.) in the direction of their experience in activities aimed at restructuring and developing the territory.

Initiation of business to create new jobs and industries.

Help local companies, firms, businesses and others in searching for partners, investors and manufacturers of products and services by conducting presentations, advertising and market research.

Disseminating information about the activities of the Agency on the Web-page  and through the issuance information journal.

Disseminating information about new technologies and products  foreign partners, which would be useful in their use and development of production in Donbass.

Initiation and implementation of projects in the field of structural and institutional adjustment of Donbass

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Activities Wed, 25 Jan 2012 16:09:32 +0000