Stories of successАгенство регионального развития "Донбасс" Fri, 10 Apr 2015 12:24:17 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management uk-ua Nikolay Timoefev

Nikolay Timo e fev , a retired miner.

I was born on June 13, 1960 in v.Volchanka, Donetsk region. All my life, except for military service, I have lived in my native village. Here I was married here were born and raised my children. In 1986, I took a job at the Kurakhovskaya mine (machinist underground facilities) where I worked until retirement. Despite the fact that my father and most of the relatives are miners, most of their time they work on the ground. Sometimes I think that underground mining hard work is developed in us a love for farming work.

In 2009, I was participated in the educational programs of Regional Development Agency "Donbass" and went to Poland. There I saw field with California willow tree and I was amazed by this tree. It all benefits. The bark extract - natural analgin, from thin lashes weave baskets and furniture, from thick make fuel, foliage recultivated soil. I learned about technology of production from its fuel briquettes and pellets. The advantage of a fuel pellet - a small smoke generation. Unlike traditional wood, they do not spark, not "shoot", and burn about 2 times longer. Pellets are made from milled wood waste without any chemical additives or gluing substances, they are environmentally friendly and during combustion not emit any harmful substances. Dream settled in my heart. I returned home with bags full of California willow seedlings.

In 2011 I planted seedlings. While willow grows, searching for equipment and local sources of raw materials for production. I went to public institutions in an attempt to formalize land lease. My attempts were futile. Officials stayed indifferent villagers were surprised, and sometimes tried to hurt - set fire to the landing. Now it is all over. Managed to buy machine - granulator, entrepreneur Malashenko Vitaly Mikhailovich provided space in maslotsehe. Now try out a technology of production pellets. Whole family have calculated a business plan. Now I am confident of success. I think that success factors will be:

 In all my career I have support by my family. And I am sure that my dream will realized.

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Stories of success Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:19:00 +0000 Alexander Samarsky

Alexander Samarsky , retired, chairman of the Practical territorial community “Chervonoselskoe” .

After the collapse of state farms, stopping brickworks villagers of Chervonoselskoe were left alone with their problems. They are subject to unemployment, have low incomes, not have access to social services, transport and medical services. In our village is not well developed infrastructure (roads, street lighting, waste disposal),there are no places for leisure activities, culture and sports, problems with the environment. 2011 year brought many changes in the measured life of the village Chevonoselskoe. This became possible because the knowledge, concepts, attitudes of my fellow villagers have changed by training and consulting of the Regional Development Agency "Donbass".

Now, in the village active people are united and engaged in the modernization of the village (lighting, roads, bridges, etc.) We provide all possible assistance to the elderly, sick people (delivered food, medicine).We give legal consultations. Are developed first projects and train the leaders of the territory. There is also the first success. Managed to defend the rights of the villagers on the payment of land rent (their shares). People learn to be masters of their destiny, and now they do it.

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Stories of success Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:17:14 +0000 Ilyana Damian Ilyana Damian, Zhdanovka

I've always been interested in everything that surrounds me. Once in my childhood, when I saw the piano and heard the sound, I fell in love with music. I asked my parents to take me to music school, but listening to the first time I failed. Only two years later, prepared, came there to learn. Wonderful teachers instilled in me a love for art, quality music and people. I can not say that I have become a great musician, but there is has opened another ability - I began to write articles. My first articles were published in the music magazine "Music Box", one of which won first place in the Donetsk region in 2008. My parents always supported me in all my endeavors, learned to bring the case to the end, be disciplined and punctual.

Now I'm the head of the City Department of Education Archive. In 2010, I met with Regional Development Agency "Donbass" and became a permanent member of its training. Training Agency provide an opportunity to overcome passivity, to identify active people learn to look at the problems of the city not from the observers, and by people willing to invest their contribution to solving these problems. Through trainings, I was able to develop my communication skills, learned business communication, resolve conflicts, properly articulate goals, has acquired the skills to develop social projects, find like-minded people. I admire the kind of atmosphere that is present at training sessions. You can not only gain the knowledge, skills, and can openly express your opinion, you can work on yourself. I try not to miss any training. Because each of them, regardless of the topic, provides food for the mind adjusts to the positive, gives rise to action.

Here, together with my friends, I wrote my first project "Creating a school radio," which, at this point, have implemented in the school № 1 in Zhdanovka. I think everyone should strive to develop and not stand still, never stop. I have a lot of goals that I want to achieve, and most importantly I can. I know that success - this is the result of a correct statement of purpose, untiring efforts and well-planned action.

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Stories of success Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:13:37 +0000 Eugene Schebitenko

Eugene Schebitenko , a member of the practical territorial community "Uspenka" .

I live in the picturesque village Uspenka, which is located on the border between Ukraine and Russia. Our village famous for its gardens, springs and river Krinka. All my life I tried to maintain the beauty given to us by nature and preserve the spiritual and cultural traditions of the village. Cleaned the surrounding area, planted flowers, collecting antiques, characterizing the life of our ancestors. I was hoping that seeing this work my fellow villagers will imitate me and the village acquires its previous form, because its beauty depends on us. But people in recent years remained indifferent. But half a year ago in the village have appeared new people and new ideas, which gave me hope for the future. For over a year I am a member of the practical territorial community «Uspenka».

Visiting a training of the Regional Development Agency "Donbass" we have acquired skills combining the villagers to solve key problems of areas. Together we have developed and implemented five projects: Restoration of the kindergarten, the replacement of the roof on the family medicine clinic, roof replacement at the local church, the replacement of log cabins on the wells, the project "platform of communication." Besides holding fairs and folk festivals, "Farewell to Winter" and others. Projects funded 34000 USD, 55000 USD put mass. Invested their labor, resources, and their money.

Now we are implementing a new project: Create an information center in the village. It should become a information center for the villagers, and Agrocenter, and a place of communication, and the venue for training, and just a platform of communication and leisure activities.. During the cooperation with RDA Donbass we affirmed the view that our prosperity depends on our own decisions and actions

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Stories of success Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:11:17 +0000 Valery Muravsky

Valery Muravsky , a retired miner, chairman of the PTC village Pelageevka "Community Forest"

2011 year for practical territorial community "Forest" has been productive. Completed registration of organization, received stamp and opened an account. Got and formalized space by the organization and placement of the information center. Total 117 sq m (5 rooms). For a information center got 2 computers, furniture, piano, TV, radio, library (200 books). Within the project "Poverty reduction through improved living conditions of members of the community and strengthen communities" have trained their leaders the creation and implementation of social projects. And as a result have developed and implemented projects "Stribunets" and "Comfort" for the school №13.

For children on school territory and microdistrict "Zhilmassiv" set playgrounds. Began to clean up the football field, and the territory of the park cleared of debris, weeds and grass. Bought a lawnmower for this. Thanks to her, restored order on school grounds, on the streets of the village and on the "Zhilmassive." Participated in weeks of practical civic participation of territorial communities. And not stopping, the work with young people and older people. Supported the work of sports sections. I believe that changing our present life, we improve our future.

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Stories of success Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:04:40 +0000