ProjectsАгенство регионального развития "Донбасс" Fri, 10 Apr 2015 13:57:09 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management uk-ua Projects RDA In this section you can see the projects that have been implemented by the Regional Development Agency "Donbass"


Development of community organizations in Lugansk and Donetsk regions (2011-2013)

Project goal:

  1. Improvement and strengthening the local organizations in delivering social services for the local target groups.

  2. S trengthening the process of involving new community’s members into local communities.

  3. Support in capacity development and promotion Community organization on local level.

C u rren t state : executing



Poverty reduction through improvement of living conditions of community members and community empowerment (2011-2013)

Project goal: Promotion of the activity of the population of communities to overcome poverty

C u rren t state : finished


The "Investing in the Future" (2009-2011)

Aim: To aid in the implementation of the aspirations of people to improve their living conditions in local communities. "The development of cooperation and efforts of the people to overcome poverty" The purpose of the project - Improvement of living conditions of the inhabitants of communities, who seek help in the information center.


The "Pathways out of poverty" (2006 - 2009)

Purpose: Engaging citizens to implement mechanisms to overcome poverty in mining communities and rural areas of Donbass.


The development of cooperatives as a way of solving problems of depressed areas (2006-2008)

Aim: To improve the quality of life for residents of deprived areas through the new knowledge and skills through the creation of cooperatives and education (IEC) programs for members of cooperatives from the Swedish experience.


Local cooperation and business development based on social economy (2004-2006)


  1. Support local development agencies.
  2. Promoting the creation of new cooperatives.
  3. Training target groups how to earn money through the implementation of local, economic opportunities. About 50 people from the target group will be trained under the project.
  4. With environmental target groups will Prepared eight coaches


Solution of social problems of depressed areas through social activity of citizens (2003 - 2006)

Aim - to overcome the indifference of the population to their fate and creating conditions for improving the lives of people in depressed areas of Donbass.


Analysis of policy to support the development of depressed areas of Donbass (2003)

Aim - to analyze the practice of public policy central, regional and local authorities in overcome the crisis depressed areas, and provide recommendations on improving the policy on the basis of strategic management ensuring active role of the local community.


Creating a coalition of NGOs in community development in the Donbass region (2003)

The main objective of the project - the initiation process of creating associations NGOs Donbas region (eastern Ukraine) by organizing the NGO Coalition, the purpose of which is to develop communities and build an open, democratic society in Ukraine.


Program for Economic and Social Development (June 2002)

The project aim was to ensure transparency and openness of decision-making, public involvement in the development of regional economic and social policies.


Model of the local community (2001-2003)

The project - support community development and community initiatives targeting active residents territory mining towns in the process of deciding their fate at the local level through the establishment of partnerships between the community, government officials, entrepreneurs and community organizations.


Program for Economic and Social Development (June 2001)

The project - conducting nationwide forum to highlight the economic strategy and transparency of the Government in the reform. Tools to support the development of entrepreneurship in industrial areas. Creation of business incubators (February-June 2001) The project aimed to promote the establishment of institutions for small and medium businesses (for example, the functioning of business incubators) in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions to encourage enterprise and to reduce the ever-growing unemployment.


Program to improve management education in Ukraine (2000)

The main objective of the project - strengthening program management and business education in Ukraine for the new generation of business people, capable to lead the Ukrainian business in this transition or in the future.


Model survival of local communities (2000-2001)

The main objective of the project - to strengthen and empower technology Ukrainian community development so that they can develop new ways of survival techniques communities and decision-makers.


The study of social problems mining settlements and inhabitants of the region propensity to self: Human resources as a source of development of the area (1999-2000)

The project aims to conduct diagnostic studies of local social problems in two pilot mining towns of Donetsk region, as well as the willingness of the population imbued with the idea of local government


Social adaptation of miners and their families and support community development in their villages (1999-2000)

The main objective of the project was to mitigate the negative social consequences that have arisen during the implementation of the government program of restructuring the coal sector through the development of communities in Shakhtarsk settlements, retraining laid-off miners support their employment in the region, providing them with a broad and active participation in decision making at the local level, as well as free access to information concerning the plans and actions of the government to restructure.


The future of the old industrial regions of Europe (1998-1999)

This project has been carefully synchronization of representatives of the four old industrial (coal) in the regions of Europe, namely Katowice Voivodship (Poland), Donbass (Ukraine), North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) and Nord-Pas de Calais (France). Project goal - achieving a combination of relevant knowledge and experience of restructuring the social and economic spheres partner regions and the development of institutions and technology support for small businesses.

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Projects Mon, 01 Oct 2012 11:16:23 +0000 Development of community organizations in Lugansk and Donetsk regions General view of the project


Name Development of community organizations in Lugansk and Donetsk regions
Status of the project Development of community organizations
Period October 2011 – September 2013
Territory Lugansk and Donetsk regions



Financial support

Microsoft is pleased to make a donation of $5,178.00 in Microsoft software to Regional Development Agency "Donbass" in support of «Development of community organizations in Lugansk and Donetsk regions»

O verview of the progect

People in Donetsk region and specifically in small towns and rural areas are affected by unemployment, low income, lack of social services, transport and medical services, poor infrastructure (roads, street lighting, waste utilization facilities), lack of infrastructure for leisure-time, culture and sport, serious environmental problems (bad quality of water, air pollution, under-flooding, lack of planting).


    lack of understanding among inhabitants of ways how to overcome or mitigate problems;

    undeveloped structure of socially-oriented organizations and community organizations to defend interests of poor people and lack of knowledge and skills to do that;

    lack of knowledge and skills how to start up social (community) organizations activity and provide the certain services for community members;

    lack of experience in advocacy processes;

    lack of self-organization of people and relevant skills to initiate and implement socially-oriented projects within their territorial communities;

Current state


Project activities

Project goal

1.             Improvement and strengthening the local organizations in delivering social services for the local target groups.

2.             Strengthening the process of involving new community’s members into local communities.

3.             Support in capacity development and promotion Community organization on local level.

Mind map of project

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  • PTC "Pershetravneve"                                   Chairman of the community Tamara Izyumova


  • PTC "Yasne"                                                 Chairman of the community Michael Anikeenko
  • PTC "Central"                                               Chairman of the community Antonina Skorobagatova
  • PTC "Djerelo"                                               Chairman of the community Svetlana Rozhnova
  • PTC "Alexsandrinka"                                    Chairman of the community Svetlana Sadovnichaya


  • PTC "Progress"                                              Chairman of the community Olga Uvarova
  • PTC "Zorya"                                                  Chairman of the community Sergei Potapov
  • PTC "Cheremushki"                                      Chairman of the community Dichenko Svetlana
  • PTC "Vmeste"                                               Chairman of the community Lyudmila Kochergina
  • PTC "Zalіznichny"                                        Chairman of the community Lyudmila Dolgova
  • PTC "Partners"                                              Chairman of the community Alexander Morozov


  • PTC "Gromada"                                            Chairman of the community Jeanne Perelygina


  • PTC "Forest"                                                 Chairman of the community Valeriy Muravsky
  • PTC "DAR"                                                  Chairman of the community Larisa Samoylenko
  • PTC "Small Motherland"                              Chairman of the community Valentina Mezhetsky
  • PTC "United"                                                Chairman of the community Antonina Chernova


  • PTC "Olkhovatka"                                       Chairman of the community Elena Chernobryvaya


  • PTC "Uspinka"                                            Chairman of the community Olga Stefanishina


  • PTC "Mnohopillya"                                    Chairman of the community Lubov' Kharchenko

v. Chervonosilske:

  • PTC "Chervonosilske"                                Chairman of the community Alexandr Samarsky

v. Grabskoe:

  • PTC "Promin"                                             Chairman of the community Anatoliy Azukovsky

Krasniy Luch

Target groups

             Unemployed people

             Socially-excluded people

             Socially-active people (inhabitants of local communities)

             NGOs and community based organizations (CBOs)

Expected results

1. Active and informed inhabitants in selected communities in the of Donetsk region united for local problems solving .

2. Reduction in the process of human disorientation in chosen communities, amongst all categories of the population through united them into community organizations.

3. Will be created the Coalition of Community organization which will promote the citizen involvement to the communities activity and initiate the development of Program of local initiatives (at least one per each community) and local authority involvement also. Also will channeled to attract new active citizens for community development, attract new project ideas for human resources development.  


Current results
]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Projects Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:47:47 +0000 Poverty reduction through improvement of living conditions of community members and community empowerment {jcomments on}General view of the project


Poverty reduction through improvement of living conditions of community members and community empowerment
Status of the project
Poverty reduction
December 2011 – January 2013
Territory Donetsk Region



Financial support


O verview of the progect

The project is the continuation of the project “Poverty reduction through improvement of living conditions of community members and community empowerment, Phase 1”, implemented in 2010.

Overall programme/ development objective of the project is ‘ Reduction of poverty and injustice in Donetsk region of Ukraine through strengthening of socially-oriented NGOs and active involvement of people in business development and social projects’. The project is to contribute to the achievement of this objective.

 The project is designed to achieve three specific project objectives :

1.       To strengthen capacity of RDA Donbass and other partner NGOs to design and implement activities in local communities, aiming at solving social problems.

2.       To promote business development within local communities through business training and specific support actions.

3.       To improve networking capacity of local NGOs to defend poor and exposed people and involvement of people in identification and implementation of specific social projects.


·          lack of understanding among inhabitants of ways how to overcome or mitigate problems

·      undeveloped structure of socially-oriented civil organizations (NGOs) to defend interests of poor people and lack of knowledge and skills to do that

·          lack of knowledge and skills how to start up entrepreneurship activity and do business in local communities

·          lack of experience in advocacy processes

·     lack of self-organisation of people and relevant skills to initiate and implement socially-oriented projects within their territorial communities

Current state


Project activities

Project goal

  Promotion of the activity of the population of communities to overcome poverty

Mind map of project

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Target groups
a) Families who wish to improve their standard of living;

b) The leaders of community;

c) The members of the community .
Expected results Implementation of the project will have the following results for the target group:

1) For target families in the project:
- Improvement of education for family members in home economics;
- Development of practical skills among family members;
- Employment for family members of the cooperatives and NGOs;
- Increase revenue and income targets families;
- Improvement of living conditions of families in the target audience;
- Positive migration;

2) for local NGOs:
- A closer relationship with target groups in local communities;
- Strengthening the capacity of organizations, the influx of new members into the organization;
- Project participants and members of the organizations pay fees for services provided by NGOs;
- Initiation of projects of local NGOs focused on solving social problems;
- Active young people on the basis of local organizations;
- Cooperation within the network. A synergistic effect;

3) For the local communities:
- Cash from the local budget is aimed at improving infrastructure;
- People allocate their time and resources to improve the environmental community;
- Caring for the environment;
- More power in the hands of the vulnerable and the poor;
- Increasing social responsibility in local communities;

Report for projects

Progress of the project

Photo Gallery

]]> [email protected] (Administrator) Projects Wed, 28 Dec 2011 11:00:32 +0000